Activating your Wallet
To unlock the blockchain enabled features of EQLX, an activated wallet is required.
Go to your wallet dashboard
Click 'Activate'
Deposit 11 XRP to your wallet address. Activation Amount is paid to meet the XRP Ledger reserve requirements. 10 XRP Tokens is required to activate an XRP Ledger address which is intended to protect the shared global ledger from growing excessively large from spam or malicious usage. An extra 1 XRP is recommended to cover minimal transaction fees.
You can send from a separate exchange or wallet
You can purchase through Banxa (minimum is $40AUD)
Once deposited, click 'Establish Trustline' . This process enables the EQLX platform to send EQL Tokens to your address.
Once Trustline is established, click 'Complete'
Congratulations! You now have an Activated Wallet and have received 22 EQL points. You can now use the web3.0 features of EQLX.
Last updated